Drivers in "prohibited" status on the FMCSA Clearinghouse will have their commercial driving privileges downgraded until they comply with the RTD Process.

FTA Positive Randoms on the Rise

A recent report by the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) indicated that positive random test results have increased over the past few years in the transit industry.  In 2011 the rate was .85% – according to the FTA, “It is the second straight year that the positive rate has increased, and is the largest single year increase in what has become a trend of increases, albeit small.”  At this time, the reason for the increase is unknown.  Some suggest that the increase is due to the DOT regulatory ruling of October 2010 which stated,

“The new rules direct testing to include Ecstasy as part of the newly expanded panel drug screen (which will still be referred to as the “5-panel” drug screen); mandatory initial testing for heroin (“initial 6-AM testing”); and the lowering of cut-off levels for amphetamines and cocaine.”

The number of verified positives for both cocaine and amphetamines are at their highest in years.



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