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Nationwide Network of SAPs

ASAP offers Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and Substance Abuse Expert (SAE) services in all 50 states and U.S. territories. ASAP’s nationwide SAP Provider Network has fully qualified SAPs to perform evaluations for DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees who have violated the DOT drug and alcohol testing rules. When you enroll, we will find a SAP near you. DOT also offers remote evaluation guidance during COVID-19 to ensure your safety during this time.

SAPs for Employees

If you are an employee and have failed or refused a DOT drug/alcohol test or has another violation, the first step in returning to work is finding a DOT qualified SAP. ASAP has a nationwide network qualified SAPs ready to assist you in the DOT return-to-duty process, which is sometimes referred to as the SAP referral program. Working with ASAP means your SAP is guaranteed to be DOT qualified. ASAP practices ongoing credentialing reviews that make certain that each SAP has up-to-date credentials before performing a DOT SAP evaluation. In addition, our case managers provide support for our SAPS, ensuring clinical integrity and DOT compliance. All SAP credentials are kept on file for up to 5 years after the evaluation, where they will be instantly available for DOT audit purposes. For over 25 years, we have helped our clients return to work with an 85% success rate. To find a SAP near you, contact us at 888-792-2727 x177 to enroll today. We strive to schedule appointments within a few days of enrollment.

SAP List

SAPs for Employers

Employers are required to provide a list of qualified DOT SAPs for all employees following a failed or refused drug test or other violation. The employee must immediately be removed from safety-sensitive job duties and given the resources to start the return-to-duty process. American Substance Abuse Professionals, Inc. (ASAP) is a qualified DOT SAP Provider resource with SAP services throughout the United States.

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