The successful SAP and SAE are up-to-date on regulatory changes, drug use trends, treatment innovations and the science that underlies the discipline. ASAP creates and delivers online courses designed to support the professional growth of the SAP/SAE and satisfy licensure, certification and qualification requirements for continuing education. ASAP is listed on the DOT Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy Compliance website as a “SAP Training Resource”. ASAP online courses, written by ASAP’s own experts, have been approved by:
- The National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- The Employee Assistance Certification Commission (EACC)
- The Certification Commission for Drug and Alcohol Program Professionals (CCDAPP)
SAP Online
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Online training is designed for clinicians that meet the DOT qualification requirements to become a SAP. This training includes the nine required components of the CFR 49 Part 40 281(c) stipulated in the SAP Guidelines. Learn about the background of the drug and alcohol testing program, 49 CFR Part 40 and DOT agency drug and alcohol testing rules, understand collections, lab testing, MRO review and issues in drug testing. Investigate the role of a SAP from the initial evaluation all the way through to the testing plan. Look for the most current DOT regulatory changes and new information on the horizon.
SAP Course
DOT SAP Refresher
The DOT SAP Refresher course provides a SAP with a review of the DOT testing rules under 49 CFR Part 40 Subparts A-O, an overview of any changes to the DOT regulations and clarifications of commonly encountered DOT Operating Administration mode-specific regulatory questions. Join us for a deep dive into the SAP process. Learn through mock cases specific to FMCSA, FAA, PHMSA, FTA and USCG.
SAP Course
Understanding the DOT Modes
Join us for this training that will provide you with an understanding of the drug and alcohol policies of the six DOT modes. The information covered in this training is a summary of the following regulations: 49 CRF Part 655 (FTA); 49 CFR Part 382 (FMCSA); 49 CFR Part 219 (FRA); 49 CFR Part 199 (PHMSA); 14 CFR Part 121 (FAA); 46 CFR Part 4, 5, & 16 (USCG).
This training is designed to meet the continuing education requirements for Substance Abuse Professionals, as required by 49 CFR Part 40.281(d).
SAP Course
Substance Abuse Expert Qualification Course
Welcome to our initial SAE qualification training and exam. While anyone may take this course only trained professionals that meet the professional credential and training requirements found in 26.187 may perform SAE duties. The course, provided by NEI, meets the requirements of SAE Training Objectives and 10 CFR 26.187(c)(2) and (3) and (d). Please note that an NRC Licensee may ask to review your SAE training and exam before approving you to consult with its employees.
SAE Course
Substance Abuse Expert Requalification: New FFD Rule Changes
This course, provided by NEI, is designed to provide suitable materials and an appropriate educational opportunity for the qualified Substance Abuse Expert (SAE) to fulfill recertification requirements for continuing education under 10 CFR Part 26.187. Please note that an NRC Licensee may ask to review your SAE training and exam before approving you to consult with its employees.
SAE Course
The ASAP Learn Online platform is a self-paced learning tool with no audio.