ASAP is On The Move

For nearly 28 years, American Substance Abuse Professionals has made its home in the historic Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, MD.  With the change of the season, the time has also come for ASAP to make a change.  The company is packing up and moving to a new location.  The distance is a short four miles away but the scenery will be quite different.  So, making the adjustment to a more quiet and private location may take some getting used to.  ASAP is excited for the move and hopes to have many successful years in the new location.  After this week, ASAP can be found at 1421 Clarkview Road, Suite 130, Baltimore, MD 21209.


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ASAP has a nationwide reach in all 50 states and U.S. territories. Our trained and knowledgeable team will assist you in understanding the process and signing up. It’s fast and easy to enroll with ASAP! 888.792.2727 x607

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