Drive Safely Work Week

Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) is an annual campaign which focuses on the fundamental skills necessary to being a safe work-place driver.  Each day of the campaign, which goes from October 1st – 5th, highlights a key area of importance including seatbelt safety, driver fatigue, distracted driving, parking, and collision prevention.

According to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), the DSWW sponsoring organization, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of occupational fatalities in the U.S.  In 2005, 43,443 people were killed and 2,699,000 were injured in 6,159,000 police-reported motor vehicle crashes.  The average on-the-job crash costs an employer about $16,500 or just under $0.16 per mile driven. Crashes involving injuries cost substantially more — $504,408 for a fatal injury and $73,750 for a nonfatal injury.

More information about the campaign and traffic safety statistics can be found at


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