DOT Amends Drug Testing Procedures for Heroin Metabolite 6-AM

Morphine, an alkaloid found in opium can be detected in the body after the use of opioids such as codein, heroin and morphine sulfate.  6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) is a metabolite that is unique to only heroin.   Its presence in urine indicates recent use of the drug. 

With intentions to streamline the laboratory process for analyzing, reporting and facilitating the Medical Review Officer (MRO) verification of 6-AM positive results the Department of Transportation (DOT) is amending certain provisions of its drug testing procedures for the metabolite.  Under the new amendment, laboratories and MROs will no longer be required to consult with one another regarding the testing for the presence of morphine when the laboratory confirms the presence of 6-AM.  The rule is effective as of July 3, 2012, comments should be submitted by June 4, 2012.

For more information about the amendment please click here.


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