Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Fitness for Duty Program
The nuclear energy industry, regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), places the highest priority on ensuring that individuals with access to reactor facilities are reliable and trustworthy. To this end, the NRC mandates Fitness for Duty (FDD) programs for all licensed facilities and charges them with the mission of protecting safety and trust. Central to the operations of FDD programs is the role of the Substance Abuse Expert (SAE), a licensed or certified professional who is experienced in diagnosing and treating substance use disorders (SUDs) and who has undergone specialized qualification training. The SAE is authorized to make determinations of fitness in circumstances mandated by regulations.
The ASAP Substance Abuse Expert Program supplies compliance support to NRC Licensees and Fitness for Duty Administrators.
- ASAP services ensure consistent standards of substance abuse evaluation, treatment and case management.
- Regulation compliant documentation and record keeping.
- Nationwide network of Substance Abuse Experts (SAEs) trained to operate within NRC 10 CFR Part 26 regulatory guidelines.