Query Plan Details

Query Plan Details

Query plans will be available for purchase on the Clearinghouse website in fall 2019.

FMCSA has released the query plan options for employers of CDL drivers. The query plan information is in the attached factsheet, it is also available for download on the Clearinghouse website. Query plans will be available for purchase fall 2019. Learn More about the Query Plans

What are Clearinghouse queries?

Beginning January 6, 2020, employers subject to the Clearinghouse final rule will be required to take certain actions in the Clearinghouse, such as querying the Clearinghouse for information on current and prospective employees to verify they are not prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions due to an unresolved drug and alcohol program violation. Employers will be required to query the Clearinghouse as part of every pre-employment driver investigation, and at least annually for drivers they employ. All queries require driver consent. Learn more about queries and consent requests

Why does an employer need to purchase a query plan?

Employers will be charged a fee for conducting queries in the Clearinghouse. If an employer works with a consortium/third-party administrator (C/TPA), they must purchase a query plan before the C/TPA can conduct queries in the Clearinghouse on their behalf. C/TPAs cannot purchase a query plan on behalf of an employer. Learn more about how employers will work with C/TPAs


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