First Maryland Case of Bleeding from Synthetic Marijuana Reported

A person from Central Maryland was hospitalized for extreme bleeding after using synthetic marijuana — the first such case in Maryland, poison control officials said Thursday.

The person, who was not identified because of privacy laws, went to an emergency room April 3 after experiencing unusual bruising and bleeding from several parts of the body, said Bruce Anderson, executive director of the Maryland Poison Center at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. The person was treated for bleeding and coagulation issues.

The person’s symptoms were similar to dozens of cases in the Chicago region in the last several weeks. At least two people have died there.

Authorities there believe the synthetic marijuana was laced with rat poison, which had the affect of taking high doses of blood thinners, Anderson said.

The Maryland case is still being investigated and it is unclear if rat poison is also being put in synthetic marijuana being sold in the state, Anderson said. The Maryland Poison Center and the Maryland Department of Health are warning people about the possibility.

“We’ve only had one case so far, but obviously the concern is that there could be many more so that is why we are trying to get the word out,” Anderson said.

Symptoms of coagulation from the use of synthetic marijuana include bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding of the gums, bleeding out of proportion to the level of injury, vomiting blood, blood in the urine or stool, excessively heavy menstrual bleeding and back pain. Synthetic marijuana is also sold as synthetic cannibinoids, K-2, fake or legal weed, spice and gene.


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