Life after a Failed DOT Drug Test in Texas

Life after a Failed DOT Drug Test in Texas


The US Department of Transportation requires drug and alcohol testing for safety-sensitive positions, ranging from CDL drivers to flight attendants and beyond. These testing programs are designed to protect the public safety. If you have recently failed a DOT drug test in Texas, you are still be eligible to return to work if you work with a DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) to complete the Return-To-Duty steps to restore your career.

Failing a DOT drug test in Texas doesn’t have to be the end of the road (or your career). However, the launch of the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse will require Drivers to also comply in order to get back to work if a violation was on or after January 6, 2020.

The FMCSA Clearinghouse contains records of violations of drug and alcohol prohibitions in 49 CFR Part 382, Subpart B, including positive drug or alcohol test results and test refusals. This means you can’t just move around to another unsuspecting employer. Your test results and any violations will remain on your record until you go through the Return-to-Duty process. Even if you move out of Texas and apply for a CDL in another state, the Clearinghouse violation information is accessible nationwide.

Step 1 – Schedule an evaluation with a DOT Qualified SAP in Texas

In order to return to work, you must be evaluated by a DOT qualified SAP provider complying with the Return-To-Duty process. SAPs are licensed doctors, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and other professionals who have completed specialized training required by the Department of Transportation (DOT) Rule 49 CFR Part 40 §40.281. Your SAP will be responsible for evaluating your circumstances, making recommendations and creating a return-to-duty plan in compliance with DOT regulations. The SAP will send this information to your Designated Employer Representative (DER) at the company.

American Substance Abuse Professionals, Inc. (ASAP) was the nation’s first freestanding SAP Company, founded in 1997. For more than 23 years, our providers have helped DOT workers regain employment and maintain compliance with regulations. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation with a SAP provider in Texas.

Step 2 – Complete Recommendations for Follow-up Education and/or Treatment

During the consultation, your SAP provider will evaluate your position and the nature of your case to establish your recommendations. This may include drug/alcohol treatment, counseling, education and/or other steps.

Once you have an outline for your recommendations, simply follow the steps provided. Your ASAP case manager will answer any questions you have along the way. Our goal is to help you safely return to work.

Step 3 – Get a Final Evaluation to Determine If You Are Eligible to Return to Work

After completing the recommended treatment and education requirements for returning to work, you will need to complete a follow-up evaluation with your SAP. This evaluation will determine if you are eligible for safety-sensitive duty, or if there are additional steps necessary to restore your position. If you are approved to return to work, your SAP will send the appropriate documentation to your DER.


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