New Johns Hopkins University Study Funded by NIH Will Incorporate American Substance Abuse Professionals (ASAP) Services

Baltimore, Maryland- The Johns Hopkins University Center for Learning and Health has been awarded a National Institutes for Health (NIH) grant for a new study and will partner with American Substance Abuse Professionals (ASAP) to provide employment-based substance use testing and substance use case management for study participants.

The new study to be conducted by Johns Hopkins is entitled: Abstinence-Contingent Wage Supplements for Long-Term Treatment of Drug Addiction. The Center for Learning and Health, under the direction of Kenneth Silverman, Ph.D., has long been at the forefront of identifying evidence-based support for the  success of Contingency Management(CM) in the treatment of substance use disorders. 

The Center has used its renowned Therapeutic Workplace to demonstrate how a workplace that rewards abstinence can help employees keep jobs and promote recovery.  In the current study, the Center extends the reach of CM from the Therapeutic Workplace to the real world of work.

In this study targeting injection heroin addicts who are also addicted to cocaine, substance use abstinence and job retention will be incentivized by study-funded wage supplements and supported by a well-documented evidence-based system known as, Individual Placement and Support (IPS). IPS is a client-centered, integrative system that helps disabled individuals acquire and maintain employment while they participate in appropriate treatment  methods

ASAP president, Reed Morrison, Ph.D., remarked: “We are enthused to play a role in this important study, and very honored to be part of our third funded collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Center for Learning and Health.”

American Substance Abuse Professionals, founded in 1997, is the nation’s leading provider of drug-free workplace solutions and risk prevention safety programs.    


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