Drivers in "prohibited" status on the FMCSA Clearinghouse will have their commercial driving privileges downgraded until they comply with the RTD Process.

The Dangers of Painkillers

Painkillers have been prescribed to help people get through the days after a medical procedure or for cancer patients who are suffering. But with a prescription increase of 300% in the past 10 years, prescribed narcotics are getting a lot of light shined on them.

Increased deaths have risen to 46 people per day or almost 17,000 per year from prescription painkiller overdoses. From 1999, that’s nearly a 400% increase. The FDA has started to take steps to make opioids safer, mainly adhering new warnings on drug labels, but there is still a lot of education that needs to be done at the community level.

Take a look at the full article from Consumers Reports Magazine here:


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