2014 DOT Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Rates

The Department of Transportation released the minimum random drug and alcohol testing rates required by each of the operating administrations.  The mandatory testing requirements apply to employers with staff who perform safety sensitive duties within the DOT agencies (Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) and the United States Coast Guard.

In 2014 the random drug testing rates for all modes will remain the same as the previous year.

The regulations state, “Employers (and C/TPAs) subject to more than one DOT Agency drug and alcohol testing rule may continue to combine covered employees into a single random selection pool. However, companies (and C/TPAs) doing so must test at or above the highest minimum annual random testing rates established by the DOT Agencies under whose jurisdiction they fall.”

For a copy of the testing rates, click here.


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