Children of Alcoholics Week

According to SAMHSA publication, more than 6 million children live with at least one parent who abuses or is dependent on alcohol or an illicit drug.  Children of alcoholics (COAs) are four times more likely than non-COAs to develop alcoholism or drug problems.  Additionally, they are at a higher risk than others for problems with cognitive and verbal skills, anxiety disorders, depression and parental abuse and neglect.

February 12-18, 2012 is Children of Alcoholics Week.  The goal is to raise awareness of children affected by an alcoholic parent, while celebrating the thousands of children and adults in recovery from the impact of growing up with alcoholism. The event also aims to provide resources to families that are currently suffering from the devastating effects of alcohol and drug addiction through educational programs, public service announcements and other print media.  For more information visit the National Association for Children of Alcoholics.



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