November 30th Is National Meth Awareness Day

Methamphetamine also known as Meth, Crystal, Crank and Speed is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant.  Chronic use can lead to paranoia, hallucinations and violent behavior.  Long-term use and/or high dosages can lead to toxic psychosis, stroke, heart attack and death.

In an effort to raise awareness about the growing epidemic of people addicted to Meth and the dangers associated with it, The Meth Project Foundation was established in 2005 by Thomas M. Siebel chairman of First Virtual Group.

“The Meth Project is a large-scale prevention program aimed at reducing Meth use through public service messaging, public policy, and community outreach. Central to the program is a research-based marketing campaign and community action programs designed to communicate the risks of Meth use.”

The organization’s website is highly informative and features statistics, graphic video ads and contact information for assistance programs.  The is an excellent resource for parents and teens.


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